Our mission
Our mission is to raise awareness and provide support to those in needs that require assistance in dealing with sensitive matters that requires understanding patience and guidance.
We strive to empower , educate, mentor and support SENS clients. We aim to deliver sessions which will encourage social interaction and inclusion. As we have identified that those who fall into the category of SENS, often obtain assistance on a one-on-one basis which strips away social interaction/communication.
We want to integrate both group and one to one interaction time. To both aid and equip clients with specials needs to operate, confidently to the best of their ability.
“Pupils with SEND regularly spent time out of class working with teaching assistants (TAs),
but there were some concerns about social exclusion and over-reliance on a single adult”.
We will approach our 1-1 sessions with the intention of providing our beneficiaries with the opportunity to express themselves freely without fear of judgement or ridicule. We want everyone to feel empowered with each session.
Groups will be delivered within a group setting, where individuals and families can voice their concerns, and understand how best to support one another
We are all in this together and each of our struggles will be shared and given fresh optimism in what lies ahead, what was, has passed and what will is something we can change for the better. We embrace change when it's for the better.