‘4 CHILDREN AND FAMILY RESPITE’ charity is set up to provide assistance and support to young people and families in Chad ‘Africa with the conditions of ADHD, Autism and Special Needs.
We are dedicated in raising awareness, for those who feel neglected, and forgotten due to their conditions, and unfortunately tend to not feel cherished and loved as they should.
The aim of our charity is to provide our beneficiaries with advice, peer support and understanding, and provide the families with a source of hope.
Raising awareness
A child's memories, should be filled with as many good memories as possible. The early key stages of childhood are the most important in what can determine the future of child's developments into becoming a adult.
We raise children with that idea on making their days filled with hope, laughter and learning to be the best individuals they can be, so they can achieve their dreams and live a good life to make themselves and their families proud.
To have those dreams of having a happy childhood taken away, without care or understanding on how the feelings of that child was feeling based on their mental or physical condition is incomprehensible, mentalities need to change. We are all born different with our own unique hand print in life. Change of mentality is required, and we need to raise awareness for the sake of our children to live care, free and without any fear of prejudice or abandonment.